A bit more information...

... You will find the common bird name on the right side in the "Birds & Location" section.
Click on the species name above the first photo of each bird to learn more about that bird.
I have also placed a couple of slide shows here on the main page, but I am looking for feedback as far as what you would like to see here.
Thanks again for stopping by...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Chameleon Killdeer

The killdeer is a bird that is much more common than I thought...maybe I just never noticed it before because of how well it blends in with it's surroundings...

..or maybe it's because they stay low to the ground when they fly...

...but it doesn't matter why I had a hard time finding them before because I know these cool looking birds will always be around to keep my Mom company now! 

1 comment:

The Rambler said...

Great photos MM. Nesting time will be a real treat, right on the ground.